Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Panic At The VSCO & Navigating Your Business With Gwen Kellett of Glam Squad Advisor

Things We're Too Lazy To Blog About: Panic At The VSCO & Navigating Your Business With Gwen Kellett of Glam Squad Advisor


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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Biz babes, influencers, bloggers, vloggers, etc —This episode is for you (but everyone can learn and have fun, we promise). Today we talk to Gwen Kellett. She founded Glam Squad Advisor, which is a company that helps unrepresented artists to navigate their business. We chat about the challenges of being a creative person and trying to navigate the business aspects of your brand. We also get into it about influencer marketing, social media, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, blogging, FTC laws, photography, website building, the role agents play, why or why you don’t need an agent, your portfolio, why less can be more but not always, branding, photo editing apps, Snapseed, Darkroom, Lightroom, VSCO, Facetune, Inlight, celeb set snafus and more.

Stalk Gwen

Glam Squad Advisor




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