So Last Week... Things I Read That Are Totally Worth Your Time

So Last Week... Things I Read That Are Totally Worth Your Time

The past seven days have been exhausting for so many of us. As I said in a post earlier this week, if you are feeling stressed or anxious, it’s totally okay to take time out for yourself. Take a yoga class, meditate, get a fancy massage or even just a give yourself a few moments to take a break and read something that has nothing to do with politics. Here are a few suggestions.

Petite Style Script: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Home Manicures With CND Shellac

You don’t have to be petite to appreciate Petite Style Script’s post on home manicures. That being said, I’m terrible at doing my own nails and desperately need to try this method. #goals

Pop Sugar: 12 Ways You're Using Your Beautyblender Totally Wrong

Fun Fact: I’m the only blogger who doesn’t use a Beautyblender, so I will probably never have a post about the best way to use one. Instead, listen to the experts at Pop Sugar.

Lauren Conrad: I Was the First One In My Friend Group to Get Married…Here’s What I Learned

I’m married, but some of my friends are still single. This post written by Jess Burrone rang so true to me.

Mind Body Green: 5 Reasons You Can't Find Lasting Love (And How To Overcome Them)

This essay by Shannon Kaiser is a must-read guide for singles about how manifesting the love of others can only happen once you truly love yourself. While it sounds like a grand concept for a blog post, this essay is incredibly well written and digestible.

Man Repeller: Why Do We Call Our Moms When Bad Stuff Happens?

In this post, a psychologist explains why we still need our parents even when we are adults.

Is there a link I should include in next week’s post? Please email suggestions to AmandaLauren212 [at]

Kicking It With Mad Rabbit Kicking Tiger (M.R.K.T) Handbags

Kicking It With Mad Rabbit Kicking Tiger (M.R.K.T) Handbags

F- It Fridays: Your Weekly Dose of Retail Therapy (Throw Blankets Edition)

F- It Fridays: Your Weekly Dose of Retail Therapy (Throw Blankets Edition)